A Study of Western Political Thought by Dr. Sultan Khan - FAMOUS is a comprehensive resource specifically designed for students pursuing a Master’s degree in Political Science, particularly those preparing...
"Bertrand Russell's seminal work, 'Human Society In Ethics And Politics,' serves as a profound exploration into the intricate relationship between morality, politics, and the dynamics of human society. Delving into...
Embark on a comprehensive journey through the realms of political thought with Ijaz Ahmed Sheikh's groundbreaking work tailored for M.A B.S CSS PMS aspirants. From Western to Muslim political ideologies,...
"Philosophical Analysis: An Introduction" by John Hospers is a comprehensive guide to the foundational techniques and concepts of philosophical analysis. This fourth edition offers an updated exploration of key philosophical...
Dive into the timeless wisdom of Aristotle's political philosophy with "Politics Aristotle" by Boniamin Jowett, published by AH PUBLISHERS. This insightful work delves into Aristotle's seminal text, offering readers a...
"Public Administration Theories: Instrumental and Value Rationalities" by Lisheng Dong offers a profound exploration into the theoretical foundations of public administration, focusing specifically on the dichotomy between instrumental and value...
"Public Administration: Approaches and Applications" by Alka Dhameja and Sweta Mishra offers an insightful exploration into the multifaceted realm of public administration. Delving into the core principles and practices of...